
In this con­di­tion, dam­age to bones or joints caus­es ver­te­brae to slip for­ward and dis­tort the spinal cord. There are two types of spondy­lolis­the­sis, degen­er­a­tive and isth­mic. Degen­er­a­tive spondy­lolis­the­sis occurs when the joints weak­en, allow­ing a ver­te­bra to slip for­ward. Nerve roots may become pinched, caus­ing pain to radi­ate to the legs and feet. Isth­mic spondy­lolis­the­sis occurs when ver­te­bral bone frac­tures, allow­ing a ver­te­bra to slip for­ward. This can also pinch nerve roots, caus­ing pain to radi­ate to the legs and feet.

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